
Fearless Living
The Fearless Living DBT Skills Group for adults is a 6-month long group teaching practical skills and strategies to manage intense emotions, develop self-control and self-awareness and build more stable relationships. Using established concepts and exercises, participants learn effective ways to live in line with their values and achieve their goals. Topics include mindfulness, effective communication, coping with overwhelming emotions, and handling distress. Using examples from participants’ lives, this group teaches specific skills and strategies for success.
- Date/Time
Tuesdays 5-6 p.m. (in-person), Wednesdays 12-1 p.m. (telehealth), or Thursdays 8-9 a.m. (telehealth). Group members choose one day/time per week and stay in that group throughout the duration of the group.
- Cost
Fees may be partially or fully covered by insurance. There is a materials cost of $20 for a workbook.
- How to Join
Contact your therapist at The Psychology Center or reception at (608) 833-9290.

Fearless Living Alumni Group
The Fearless Living Alumni DBT Skills Group for adults is for individuals who have completed at least two full rounds of the Fearless Living DBT Skills Group. This group focuses on strengthening, generalizing, and deepening practice of DBT skills and concepts. Topics include mindfulness, effective communication, coping with overwhelming emotions, and handling distress. Using examples from participants’ lives, this group teaches participants to consistently apply specific skills across all areas of their lives.
- Date/Time
Mondays 12-1 p.m. (telehealth).
- Cost
Fees may be partially or fully covered by insurance.
- How to Join
Contact your therapist at The Psychology Center or reception at (608) 833-9290.

Break Through
Break Through is a 15-week DBT skills group for adolescents ages 13-17. This group focuses on helping teens master the challenging bridge from adolescence to adulthood, and teaches practical skills and strategies to manage intense emotions, develop self-control and self-awareness, and build more stable relationships. Using established concepts and exercises, adolescent participants learn effective ways to live in line with their values and achieve their goals. Topics include mindfulness, effective communication, coping with overwhelming emotions, and handling distress. Using examples from participants’ lives, this group teaches specific skills and strategies for success.
The DBT Parenting Skills Workshop is a 2-hour seminar designed to teach parents the techniques and verbal cues to support the ongoing use of strategies their children are learning. This workshop is open to any parents looking for techniques to help their children learn mood regulation and interpersonal skills. Parents of adolescent DBT group participants are required to attend this seminar.
- Date/Time
- Cost
Break Through fees may be partially or fully covered by insurance. There is a materials cost of $20 for a workbook. The DBT Parenting Skills Workshop is $90 (includes all instructional and support materials).
- How to Join
Contact your therapist at The Psychology Center or reception at (608) 833-9290.